php - regexp cyrillic filename not matches -
i take list of files php glob(."*.pdf") . files have cyrillic names. example: ООО «Рога и копыта» then load company names database , try find them in file names: preg_match("/$firm_name/ui", $file_name, $match); i have problem: firms if $firm_name visually similar $file_name , preg_match says there no match. mb_detect_encoding both variables return utf-8. there problem in file name, or maybe there encoding or something, can not understand, ask help. upd: $file_name='ООО «Рога и копыта»'; preg_match("/... .Рога и копыта./ui", $file_name, $match); as result, ОО «Рога и копыта» , 1 О missing