c# - Can creating indexes on MongoDB collections in a replica set be done programmatically? -

i've seen instructions creating indexes on replica sets in mongodb here. looks involved , requires mongo shell. there easier way and/or can done using c# mongodb driver?

as can see in docs, there 4 possible stages both primaries , secondaries:

  • build index in background on primary.
  • build index
  • stop 1 secondary
  • restart program mongod

the first 2 can using driver, because mongod up. use ensureindex right parameters.

for next 2 can't use driver can still programmatically in command prompt:

var stop = process.start("mongod", "--shutdown"); var standalone =  process.start("mongod", "--port 47017"); var replicated = process.start("mongod", "--port 27017 --replset rs0"); 


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