uml - Job website use case diagrams -
here job website use cases diagram. not know if did correct or not. help?
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here modified version of online job portal system:
this system contains 2 complex use cases: "account management" , "job application". here diagram account management:
and diagram job application:
i need opinions.
not bad, there problems.
- job application process , use case. account (of anybody) not action or process. inner term in application. should appear @ first in component diagram, or later.
- "extend" means pointed subject variation of pointing one. misuse it.
- account management subsystem - rectangle part of large 1 , contains appropriate use cases. if drawing inconvenient, use (sub)systems small rectangles , containment dependencies (with cross in circle on side of container) , connect them use cases simple connectors. of course, needn't put dialogues subsystems on same diagram.
- maintaining of website not connected practical use case really. separate admin task. or mean else? change name.
- you have use cases not connected actor. error.
- login not part of job application. view vacancies not variation of it, too. favorite vacancies extension of view vacancies.
- please, try minimize use of "include" , "extend" in use case diag. in 90% cases people use them, when incorrectly describing structure information on use case diag. here write whom, , maybe bit structure these whos , whoms organizations , subsystems. notice, can describe structure above use case, not below it!
small details:
- you consider divide moderator administrator.
- edit connections lines - strangled more necessary.
(and thank translation - french miserable manage modelling)
a bit more on @pid answer.
i afraid, can't agree ignoring pure human operations. on contrary. put them here, use cases connect not actor-(sub)system, actor-actor. , seeing them better planning system whole. , ignoring them impossible create system user. system integral component of larger system, , creating larger 1 really, planning support, processes, exchange of info, divisions , dependencies.
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