Batch Delete Videos From YouTube Favorites Playlist -

i trying batch delete videos user youtube favorites using youtube v2 api. (see

posting videos favorites in batch works nicely; , can remove single videos favorites without problem (this rules out problem authentication).

my request body follows, videoid1 , videoid2 <yt:favoriteid>ids found in corresponding video xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <feed xmlns='' xmlns:media='' xmlns:batch='' xmlns:yt=''>     <batch:operation type="delete"/>     <entry><id>videoid1</id></entry>     <entry><id>videoid2</id></entry> </feed> 

this response however, userid ofcourse userid of user , batchid batchid given service:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>  <feed xmlns=''>    <id></id>    <updated>2014-01-31t14:50:54.948z</updated>    <category scheme='' term=''/>    <title>batch feed</title>    <entry xmlns:batch=''>              <id>videoid1</id>        <updated>2014-01-31t14:50:54.948z</updated>        <title>error</title>        <content>invalid entry id/uri</content>        <batch:status code='400' reason='invalid entry id/uri'/>    </entry>    <entry xmlns:batch=''>        <id>videoid2</id>        <updated>2014-01-31t14:50:54.949z</updated>        <title>error</title>        <content>invalid entry id/uri</content>        <batch:status code='400' reason='invalid entry id/uri'/>     </entry> </feed> 

it states invalid entry id/uri videos try remove, while when remove them singular delete request same id, works.

is batch deleting videos favorites not supported, or missing something?

i've got work, question , answer: batch deleting videos using youtube api , httpwebrequest

the trick using user userid instead of default, , use complete video url id.

the batch url looks this: 

the request looks this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <feed xmlns='' xmlns:media='' xmlns:batch='' xmlns:yt=''>     <batch:operation type="delete"/>     <entry>         <id></id>     </entry>     <entry>         <id></id>     </entry> </feed> 


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