
Showing posts from July, 2010

How do I find all references (i.e., dependencies, afferent couplings) to a Java class? -

using eclipse, can select class , list references ( ctrl + shift + g ). i'm looking mechanism entire development team obtain same list of references central location, such sonarqube server. when drill down class on sonarqube, shows me number of afferent couplings. how can find out are? know take huge amount of time/space sonar generate kind of report, maybe there's plug-in can calculate requested (as per execution of jenkins job). any suggestions of solutions can used list dependencies (afferent couplings) java type in given codebase help. after long search, found, experimented with, configured, , rolled out solution problem our entire java development organization. here's summary of solution: we have several java projects, broadly divided libs , (web) applications. applications can use different libs. challenge find in our entire codebase callers of given class/method/constructor in 1 of our libs. we use continuous integration tool (jenkins) builds lib

wpf - How to Stretch window? -

i've problem window control in wpf project. don't find how stretch (resize) window or grid inner it. try attach properties horizontalcontentalignment = "stretch" , verticalcontentalignment = "stretch" consistent on both controls, nothing. have idea wrong ? that part xaml: window title="mywindow" allowstransparency="true" background="transparent" windowstyle="none" <grid x:name="maingrid" horizontalalignment="stretch" verticalalignment="stretch"> <border x:name="mainborder" background="{dynamicresource shellbackground}" cornerradius="15" borderthickness="3" margin="0,0,10,9"> <grid background="{dynamicresource brandingbrush}"> <grid.rowdefinitions> <rowdefinition height="30" /> <rowdefinition height="auto"

javascript - How to make scroll keep down, but don't want to lock -

i making shoutbox. want when retrieves data keep scroll down. in facebook scroll keep remains down. using javascript goes lock, prevent scroll top. using code : document.getelementbyid('txthint').scrolltop = 10000; <div id="txthint" style="width:700px;height:500px;overflow:auto;" > <!-- here data displayed --> </div> the problem that, prevents me scrolling up. try using offsettop property. suggest putting hidden div @ end of div in text scroll down(hidden div should alwasy @ bottom), , should apply scrolltop document.getelementbyid('txthint').scrolltop = document.getelementbyid('s_hidden').offsettop; <div id="txthint" style="width:700px;height:500px;overflow:auto;" > <!-- here data displayed --> <div id="s_hidden"></div> </div>

android - Andengine Live wallpaper slow reload -

after making many live wallpapers in andengine , problem still face andengine. when used original extension, when rotating device , returning home screen apps there blink of screen(unscaled background) , 0,5 sec lag (resources reloading). had seen many live wallpapers out issue. , had seen problem in devices, tab iberry give issue samsung tab don't produce issue, , issue don't give out error, cant find report app. problem thread i had seen problem being faced many temporary solution i had tried out solution has many other problems, hope can find solution slow reload problem makes andengine live wallpaper extension question.

web - How to fix Joomla 1.5 website -

i had old website joomla 1.5 , upgrade latest version. in mean time, tried install com_akeeba-3.4.3-core extension (to take backup) left website down. now, can not access both admin , user pages. i looked @ database couldn't find component there. should fix it? thanks thank faridiv, enabled error reporting , there error in file folder.php under libraries/joomla/filesystem. and, can view website.

c# - Perforce .NET API Edit Files Not Checked Out -

i trying use perforce .net api edit files in workspace default changelist. however, when run edit command doesn't appear in p4v front-end if has happened. files still in depot not checked out. there option missing or else need include? files include list of files trying check out there no obvious result of command. mperforceconnection.client.editfiles(filespec.unversionedspeclist(files), null); i have tried adding options don't seem me anywhere. don't want add changelist trying enter them on default 1 have entered 0 parameter. perforce.p4.options options = new options(editfilescmdflags.none, 0, null); any thoughts? issue filename contained @ sign. thought other characters may have caused issue. didnt expect @ sign to. - Page loading twice -

i'm working on 4.0 webforms site , i'm trying out routing. thought worked fine until discovered 1 of pages loaded twice when using routing. i got in global.asax.cs : private void application_start(object sender, eventargs e) { registerroute(routetable.routes); } void registerroute(routecollection routes) { routes.mappageroute("noregion", "{language}/region", "~/region.aspx"); routes.mappageroute("region", "{region}/{language}/region", "~/region.aspx"); } why region.aspx loaded twice when using either route? edit : well, had application_error setup redirect default page (region) when there 404. happened site couldn't find favicon.ico redirected page hence double loading. removed , retried it, did not work! i'm pulling hairs here. edit 2 : adding favicon.ico 'fixed' it. edit 3 : web.config had customerrors enabled: <error statuscode="404" redirect="

Kendo UI ListView Template in MVC4 -

i trying image files database , bind kendoui listview. problem is not showing images @ all. this have done: view <script type="text/x-kendo-tmpl" id="template"> <div class="product"> <img src="@url.content("#:photoid# + #:mimetype#")" /> </div> </script> <div id="imagelistview2" class="demo-section"> @(html.kendo().listview<worcestermarble.viewmodels.photosviewmodel>() .name("listview") .tagname("div") .clienttemplateid("template") .datasource(datasource => { => read.action("getimages", "

c# - MenuItem Vertical alignment issue -

i facing issue menuitem whenever specify access key, header alignment getting disrupted. below sample image wherein have specified "_new" new menu item , bound new command. can observe tha text "new" align @ bottom , shortcut key aligned @ top. other menu items have not specified access key, have no issue. here xaml <stackpanel dockpanel.dock="top"> <menu padding="0,5"> <menuitem x:name="mnutask" header="task"> <menuitem x:name="mnunew" header="_new" command="new"/> <menuitem x:name="mnusave" header="save" command="save"/> <menuitem x:name="mnudelete" header="delete" command="delete"/> <separator/> <menuitem x:name="mnurefresh" header="reload data" command="{x:

disable spinner based another spinner android -

how disable spinner based on spinner. sample, when choose first spinner value "yes" second spinner enable when choose first spinner value "no" second spinner disable. thanks try this: final spinner sp1 = (spinner) findviewbyid(; final spinner sp2 = (spinner) findviewbyid(; arrayadapter<string> data = new arrayadapter<string>(this, android.r.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line, first); arrayadapter<string> data2 = new arrayadapter<string>(this, android.r.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line, second); sp1.setadapter(data); sp2.setadapter(data2); sp1.setonitemselectedlistener(new onitemselectedlistener() { @override public void onitemselected(adapterview<?> parent, view view, int position, long id) { string text = sp1.getselecteditem().tostring(); if (text.equals("no")) {

java - Android inflate exception - ViewPager -

i trying implement pageviewer in app using this tutorial. app force closes. shows android.view.inflateexception: binary xml file line #2: error inflating class com.example.viewpager.scrollview . going wrong? beginner in android please guide me. thought might have imported wrong libs app supporting api 10. searched other answers of no use. here code: package com.example.viewpager; import android.os.bundle; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class mainactivity extends fragmentactivity { /** * number of pages (wizard steps) show in demo. */ private static final int num_pages = 5; /** * pager widget, handles animation , allows swiping horizontally access previous * , next wizard steps. */ private viewpager mpa

neo4j - create new relationships along path -

assuming topology: create (mbp {name: "macbookpro"}), (fb {name:"fritzbox"}), (eue {name: "1u1"}), (inet {name:"internet"}), (mnh {name:"mannheim"}), (hdb {name:"heidelberg"}), (stg {name: "stuttgart"}), (lnd {name:"lindt"}), (ylo {name:"ylo"}), (qvin {name:"qvin"}), (mbp) -[:lnk {bw:100}]->(fb), (fb)-[:lnk {bw:32}]->(eue), (eue)-[:lnk {bw:10000}]->(inet), (inet)-[:lnk {bw:10000}]->(mnh), (mnh)-[:lnk {bw:10000}]->(hdb), (hdb)-[:lnk {bw:1000}]->(lnd), // route option 1 (mnh)-[:lnk {bw:10000}]->(stg), (stg)-[:lnk {bw:10000}]->(lnd), // route option 2 (lnd)-[:lnk {bw:1000}]->(ylo), (lnd)-[:lnk {bw:1000}]->(qvin), (ylo)-[:lnk {bw:1000}]->(qvin) i can use query maximum bandwidth path between "macbookpro" , "ylo": match (s {name:"macbookpro"}), (t {name:"ylo"}), p=allshortestpaths(s-[

javafx - How does ComboBox extend beyond the window borders? -

i noticed combobox can extend beyond window borders. i'd implement custom control of mine, can't figure out how it. can give me hint how or @ least start looking? here link screenshot , since cannot yet post images on stackoverflow thanks in advance edit: ok, got answer @ orcale forums, here's link thread . you can through cmbbox.setvisiblerowcount(100);

How to convert binary image to grey scale in opencv java -

i have binary image output background subtractor method , want convert grey scale image apply cascade classifier in it. how can convert binary image grey scale? unfortunately, can't (as turbo said before, information lost forever). but had image before, fed background subtractor , didn't ? use instead. also, cascadeclassifier not support masks (like got background subtractor) directly. if want use background subtractor restrict search rois, you'll need call findcontours() on mask, bounding rects contours, filter bit size, , apply cascadeclassifier on remaining rois.

java - Get last n matches from String with regex -

i have string html withoutany kind of close tag ( </.*?> ) , without new line ( \n ): <tr><td align=center>01/01/2001<td align=center>500,01<td align=center>0,99<td align=center>15 this repeat indefinitely , may have 1 or more td's values. @ moment using string.split("<tr><td align=center>") separate string , use 1 regex find date , 1 find value want. something this: string[] stringarray = text.split("<tr><td align=center>"); string[] array1 = arrays.copyofrange(stringarray, stringarray.length - /*0<n<21*/, stringarray.length); (int = 0; < array1.length; i++) { system.out.println(array1[i]); m1 = pattern.compile("(\\d{2}\\/\\d{2}\\/\\d{4})").matcher( array1[i]); //getting date m1.find(); system.out.println(; m1 = pattern.compile("

java - Issue with deploying application using tomcat7 -

i trying deploy application using spring in tomcat7 running on ubuntu12. when drop war file in webapps directory, directory created application inside webapps - yet application not load up. latest issue copied below. thoughts on troubleshooting appreciated. java versions same on computers war file generated vs 1 deploying application. not see file permission issue - there file in tomcat7. jan 31, 2014 10:43:05 org.apache.catalina.core.standardcontext startinternal severe: error listenerstart jan 31, 2014 10:43:05 org.apache.catalina.core.standardcontext startinternal severe: context [/test-webapp] startup failed due previous errors jan 31, 2014 10:43:05 org.apache.catalina.loader.webappclassloader clearreferencesthreads severe: web application [/test-webapp] appears have started thread named [abandoned connection cleanup thread] has failed stop it. create memory leak. update: missed error message. update ticket shortly. update: missing file in to

twitter bootstrap - Best place for CSS and LESS external libs in PhpStorm or PyCharm project -

i want ide see bootstrap files css classes autocompletion , on-the-fly less compiling. don't want store bootstrap inside project folder structure , copy libraries in each project. how can make ide know libs? some approaches tried. using relative paths. @import '../../../../../bootstrap 3/less/mixins'; not good. moreover, despite import statement correct (without red underlining), ide not "know" imported mixins. when copy libraries, ide "knows" them. connect js libs. see them in project files view. less syntax checker cannot locate them, no matter path specify. import statement underlined red wavy line. now, can use copy , paste technique or use links (or directory junctions). not sure correct way. i tried phpstrom , pycharm, suppose webstorm cannot resolve problem too. you can add folder bootstrap files stored additional content root each of projects (settings/directories, add content root). see web-7452

html - a little space on the top of website above form -

i'm heading problem little space appears on top of website's pages in browsers. have form on top. here css: body{ margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; outline: 0; font-size: 100%; vertical-align: baseline; background: transparent; } form { margin : 0; } .formular { padding: 5px 40px 10px 40px; background-color: #6699cc; border-top: 0px solid #000000; border-left: 1px solid #000000; border-right: 1px solid #000000; border-bottom: 1px solid #000000 ; border-radius: 0 0 20px 20px; } here index.php, have form on top on every page... <!doctype html> <html> <title>kto bude dnes odpovedať?</title> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> <table align="center"><tr><td> <script> function password() { var pass1 = prompt('

mongodb find exact document -

im looking way in mongodb find exact document, meaning dont want match document other fields ones expected. this can on subdocuments > db.test.insert({a:{b:1,c:2}}); > db.test.insert({a:{b:1}}); > db.test.find({'a.b':1}); // non exact match {a:{b:1,c:2}} {a:{b:1}} > db.test.find({'a':{'b':1}}); // exact match {a:{b:1}} i'd same on main document (not subdocument). but > db.test.insert({b:1,c:2}); > db.test.insert({b:1}); > db.test.find({'b':1}); // non exact match {a:{b:1,c:2}} {a:{b:1}} > db.test.find({'.':{'b':1}}); // not work :( > db.test.find({'b':1, 'c':null}); // works, how supposed know 'c' exists ??? {a:{b:1}} the final goal being $pull on arrays > db.test.insert({a:[{b:1,c:2},{b:1,d:3},{b:1,c:2},{b:1,c:2,d:3}]}); > db.test.update({}, {$pull:{'a':{b:1,c:2}}}); > db.test.find(); {a:[{b:1,d:3}]} // noooo :'( has idea ? edit : here prec

javascript - I don't know if it is native JS or not -

i new web programming , stumbled upon tutorial: my quick question: javascript used there native or weird mixture jquery? i know jquery don't know "init" , "$el" stuff example means... able understand whole code when studying native javascript? well fact "jquery" mentioned 6 times on page you've linked to, i'm going yes. yes is. for today’s tutorial want show ... css animations and jquery. not mention if click view demo , view page's source you'll find: <script src=".../jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script> if you're wanting learn jquery, check out , .

c# - How do I remove the quotation marks from a .csv file? -

i read in .csv file. the contents of looks this: 1;"final60";"united kingdom";"2013-12-06 15:48:16"; 2;"donnyr8";"netherlands";"2013-12-06 15:54:32"; etc at moment trying remove quotation marks each line using replace method. have attempted doesn't appear anything. although doesn't seem break program in anyway. try { string item2; list<string> list = file.readlines("file.csv").tolist(); foreach (string listline in list) { console.write("# "); // seperate line new list ; list<string> listitems = listline.split(';').tolist(); foreach(string item in listitems) { if (item == "&quot;") { item2 = item.replace("&quot;", ""); } else { item2 = item;

javascript - OpenGL method number value -

i have seen opengl codes written this: glmatrixmode(gl_projection); glloadidentity(); glortho(1,1,1,1,1,-1); glmatrixmode(gl_modelview); and have seen opengl codes written this: glenable(2896); gldisable(3042); notice number values in glenable() , gldisable() methods. my real question is: have link website has list of every method or number value corresponds whichever mode putting in code? like, glenable(2896); mean? the enum names , values live in gl.xml , off of main spec registry page . given example of glenable(2896) : 2896 in hex 0x0b50 searching gl.xml value lands on <enum value="0x0b50" name="gl_lighting"/> which can see corresponds gl_lighting

java - Jtable Select row and columns -

i want select row , column of jtable's cell , print value, in public void changevalue() ,as shown below, got error: exception in thread "main" java.lang.arrayindexoutofboundsexception: -1 @ java.util.vector.elementdata(unknown source) @ java.util.vector.elementat(unknown source) @ javax.swing.table.defaulttablemodel.getvalueat(unknown source) @ javax.swing.jtable.getvalueat(unknown source) @ shopmanagement.showemployee.changevalue( @ shopmanagement.showemployee.<init>( @ shopmanagement.showemployee.main( maybe,have implement mouselistener used check current position of cursor in jtable? if so,how can change code? import java.awt.*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import databaseconnectionsingleton.connection; import databaseconnectionsingleton.creationstatement; public class showemployee extends jframe { public jtable table = new jtable(); public showemployee(

jquery - Sending XML Data to MySQL database -

i trying send xml object database. have post data form turned xml object wanting send database in way allow form have additional inputs created , can later call , use xml object populate form in case users want edit form. how can send data in such way? , appreciated! gfrobenius have creating xml object: jquery: //grab post info, turn valid xml object , store $postdata = null; if($_server['request_method'] == 'post' && count($_post) > 0) $postdata = assocarraytoxml('post_data',$_post); //the assocarraytoxml returns xml object page breaks, need stright non-breaking string //so flexigrid can display results properly. $postdata = str_replace(chr(13), '', $postdata); $postdata = str_replace(chr(10), '', $postdata); function: function assocarraytoxml($root_element_name,$ar) { $xml = new simplexmlelement("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><{$root_element_name}></{$root_element_name}>");

crystal report selecting wrong month in date parameter -

i have crystal report has startdate , enddate parameters. problem when select november in calendar, jumps december. happens november, other month selected perfectly. wonder if has had type of issue before , able fix it. appreciated. thanks.

How to set label value when databinding chart control -

i binding datatable chart want set value of label different dataitem (called reslabeltext) used x or y axis. can done? databinding code follows: chartres.series("month").xvaluemember = "monthname" chartres.series("month").yvaluemembers = "res" chartres.series("month").label = "reslabeltext" chartres.series("month").tooltip = "#valx" chartres.datasource = dt chartres.databind() correct way: for each row in dt.rows dim point = new datapoint() point.setvaluexy(row.item("monthname"), row.item("res")) point.label = row.item("labelres") point.tooltip = row.item("monthname") chartres.series("month").points.add(point) next

css - When zooming in on my website the div's move -

i have searched through forums , found nothing relevent code. if tell me went wrong, problem when zoom in , out div containers move here's html , css code. html: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <link rel="shortcut icon" href=""> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css"/> <body background= ""> <title>hydronetwork home</title> </head> <body> <h1

java - Override the Numpad_Dot -

i have 4 edit texts; oct1 , oct2 , oct3 , oct4 . these edit texts type numberdecimal . have initial focus on oct1 . need when user presses . (numpad dot) not enter . oct, clear focus , focus on next edit text. this should easy, surprisingly frustrating me. have tried. overriding onkeydown . won't produce logs. @override public boolean onkeydown(int keycode, keyevent event) { if(keycode == keyevent.keycode_numpad_dot){ oct3.clearfocus(); oct4.requestfocus(); return true; } log.d("keycode", string.valueof(keycode)); log.d("event", string.valueof(event)); return false; } then this. have many different variants of this. have been able switch focus this, not delete . . oct3.addtextchangedlistener(new textwatcher() { @override public void beforetextchanged(charsequence s, int start, int count, int after) { //do nothing } @override

while loop - Can SCSS output less CSS Code? -

i wondering if there's way output lesser lines of css using scss. @each $cover in cover-cat, cover-dog, cover-bird { .#{$cover} { @include bg-no-repeat-center('backgrounds/' + $cover + '.png'); @include screen-size-absolute; @if $cover == cover-cat { z-index: 10; } @else if $cover == cover-dog { z-index: 20; } @else { z-index: 15; background-attachment: fixed; } } } and output this: .cover-cat { background: url("../images/backgrounds/cover-cat.png") center center no-repeat; bottom: 0; height: 100%; left: 0; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; z-index: 10; } .cover-bird { background: url("../images/backgrounds/cover-bird.png") center center no-repeat; bottom: 0; height: 100%; left: 0; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; z-index: 15; background-attachment: fixed; } .cover-dog { background: url("../images/backgrounds/cover

android - listview does not display -

im making project custom listview. when run project blank activity. wrote baseadapter class put data in listview. pass string arraylist baseadapter fill listview. help? thanks public class mainactivity extends activity { listview l; arraylist<string> data= new arraylist<string>(); @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main); data.add("two"); data.add("three"); data.add("four"); l=(listview) findviewbyid(; myadapter ada = new myadapter(mainactivity.this,data); l.setadapter(ada); } @override public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu(menu menu) { // inflate menu; adds items action bar if present. getmenuinflater().inflate(, menu); return true; } } public class myadapter extends baseadapter { context context; private arraylist<string> data= new arraylist<strin

mysql - Conditionals and counts in SQL -

i have mysql table "ratings", with id column column called like_dislike (holds either null, 0, or 1), , column called lesson_id (a foreign key lessons). the mysql table, "lessons", with id column teacher_id column i need select information: "select r.like_dislike ratings r inner join lessons l on l.lesson_id = r.lesson_id"; however, part of larger sql statement, , is: foreach lesson_id, if like_dislike == 0, select count(like_dislike) and foreach lesson_id, if like_dislike == 1, select count(like_dislike) dislike i not know how turn pseudo code sql. need in sql, rather in php, because part of larger sql statement conversion formatted arrays troubling. you should able accomplish grouping. example: select r.lesson_id, count(*) ratings r inner join lessons l on l.lesson_id = r.lesson_id r.like_dislike = 0 group r.lesson_id; the same dislike, change where clause where r.like_dislike = 1 ed

mysql - Open Wordpress SQL file to get data -

i had website few years ago. site long gone. i've still got database. the site had 200 posts/articles i'd back. i tried import new wordpress website fails me.. , site goes white page.. fatal errors. as don't need articles on wordpress site don't mind way them. if able them put them wordpress site. does know how can articles?

php - Mysql database design for curency exchange website application -

i building website use's api. the api returns json response looks like: { "timestamp": 1391191261, "base": "usd", "rates": { "aed": 3.67328, "afn": 56.4876, "all": 103.8916, "amd": 411.612997, /* 165 currencies */ "yer": 215.057, "zar": 11.14973, "zmk": 5253.075255, "zmw": 5.579003, "zwl": 322.355006 } } now thinking correct table database structure value. displays exchange rates years ago. not use rates within month range. how handle type of situation display curency comparations different days , on? table: curency \ rate \ date aed \ 3.67328 \ 31-01-2014 afn \ 56.4876 \ 31-01-2014 \* , on date... older rates past dates *\ aed \ 3.12367 \ 30-01-2014 afn \ 55.2345 \ 30-01-2014 is database design? else should do? you should use table this:

Get project cost monthly on MS Project SQL Server database -

i'm building custom reports company work projects. i have cost of project month month , show on excel sheet. however, i'm struggling find how cube summarize data. so far, i've got this: declare @res_name nvarchar(510) declare @begin_date datetime declare @end_date datetime -- set these variables select @res_name = 'team member' select @begin_date = '2013-01-01' select @end_date = '2013-12-31' -- end variables select p.wproj_id project_id, proj_name project, month(assn_start_date) startmonth, year(assn_start_date) startyear, sum(assignmentactualcost) cost, sum(assn_act_work)/60000 assigned_work, sum(assn_rem_work)/60000 remaining_work msp_web_projects p, msp_web_assignments a, msp_view_proj_assn_std vpa p.wproj_id = 489 , a.wproj_id = p.wproj_id , vpa.wproj_id = p.wproj_id , assn_start_date between @begin_date , @end_date group month(assn_start_date

c# - MVC5 Autofac: The view found at was not created -

i created simple mvc 5.0 application push github repository: . motivation execute app on linux mono 3.2.3. i add autofac nuget package (more precisely 3.3.0), works fine me. problem if add autofac.mvc5 integration package, razor stops working following error: system.invalidoperationexception view found @ '~/views/home/index.cshtml' not created. description: http 500.error processing request. details: non-web exception. exception origin (name of application or object): system.web.mvc. exception stack trace: @ system.web.mvc.buildmanagercompiledview.render (system.web.mvc.viewcontext viewcontext, writer) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 @ system.web.mvc.viewresultbase.executeresult (system.web.mvc.controllercontext context) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 @ system.web.mvc.controlleractioninvoker.invokeactionresult (system.web.mvc.controllercontext controllercontext, system.web.mvc.actionresult acti

c# - Using NReco video convertor, Format.flv reference cant be solve -

i'm using nreco convert few images video faced problem code (new nreco.videoconverter.ffmpegconverter()).convertmedia(pathtovideofile, pathtooutputmp4file, formats.mp4) the formats.mp4 in error (reference not found) i've been searching reference not able solve this. need ! thanks yes, there error in example online. easiest thing add using statement code can make code more readable , spend less time typing: using nreco.videoconverter; then can access want this: ffmpegconverter ff = new ffmpegconverter(); ff.convertmedia(pathtovideofile, pathtooutputmp4file, format.mp4); note there no 's' on end of format . also, careful using inline construct (temporary object) way have done in code sniplet. don't know how managing resources inside class , threading model looks like. lot safer create converter object have above , use way.

oracle - Updating Multiple Rows in PL/SQL -

i trying update multiple rows in plsql block. possible update several rows single update statement. example, use following code: update ordertable set cost = 400 , shipping = 8, , tax = .06; is acceptable? the syntax of update wrong. possible update more 1 row 1 statement. update ordertable set cost = 400, shipping = 8, tax = .06; this update all rows in table ordertable. add restrictions change rows. update ordertable set cost = 400, shipping = 8, tax = .06 cost < 100 or shipping >9; most tools report rows updated output or feedback. can check rows updated prior running update, using restriction in select statement. select * ordertable cost < 100 or shipping >9;

mp3 in java eclipse -

//here copy code trying make play eye of tiger, have saved on desktop. first should save it, how make play? , matter type of file (i using mp3) appreciated. if explain code (music saved eclipse < java < stopwatch < src < stopwatch ) package stopwatch; import java.awt.container; import java.awt.gridbagconstraints; import java.awt.gridbaglayout; import java.awt.event.actionevent; import java.awt.event.actionlistener; import; import javax.swing.jbutton; import javax.swing.jframe; import javax.swing.jlabel; import javax.swing.jtextfield; import javax.swing.uimanager; import javax.swing.plaf.coloruiresource; import org.omg.corba.portable.inputstream; public class stopwatch extends jframe { /** * */ private static final long serialversionuid = -7203812812064067525l; long starttime; long stoptime; long currenttime; double elapsedtime; boolean timestarted = false; int laptime; jbutton startbutton = new jbut

How to parse serialized json from php web service in java play framework 1.2.x -

i need use from php web service rendering data serializing json in java play framework 1.2.x . doing using play ws function. , getting data service. when try jsonobject throws excepiton normal, because returned data not json format well. body knows workarounds or solution appreciated. httpresponse htp = ws.url("").get(); system.out.println(htp.getcontenttype()+"\n"+htp.getstatustext()+"\n"+htp.getstring()); the returned data : a:18:{s:17:"geoplugin_request";s:12:"";s:16:"geoplugin_status";i:200;s:16:"geoplugin_credit";s:145:"some of returned data includes geolite data created maxmind, available <a href=\'\'></a>.";s:14:"geoplugin_city";s:8:"istanbul";s:16:"geoplugin_region";s:8:"istanbul";s:18:"geoplugin_areacode&q

Jquery returns empty value -

this question exact duplicate of: jquery cannot value each function 1 answer i using tables input fields in them. trying value set of input fields same class , compare each of adjacent input diffrent class name. can see value in input value returned empty jquery. $('.subtotal').each(function(){ var price = $(this).parent().parent().find('td input.price'); console.log(price.val()); }); here html. these rows repeated. <tr> <td> <input type="text" name="data[<?=$i?>][title]" class="title"/> <ul class="order_search_title"> </ul> </td> <td> <input type="text" name=&quo

boost - dogecoind.exe compilation with mingw -

i want compile dogecoin daemon on windows (dogecoind.exe) error: c:\dogecoin-master-1.5\src>mingw32-make -f makefile.mingw g++ -c -o json/json_spirit_value.o json/json_spirit_value.cpp in file included json/json_spirit_value.cpp:8:0:json/json_spirit_value.h:19:29: fatal error: boost/config.hpp: no such file or directory #include <boost/config.hpp> ^ compilation terminated. <builtin>: recipe target 'json/json_spirit_value.o' failed mingw32-make: *** [json/json_spirit_value.o] error 1 i followed tutorial: works other coins bitcoin not doge :(. dependancies compilation ok, have boost libraries in stage folder , config.hpp in boost folder. the "official" howto simple copy of litecoin project : if have idea or try compile dogecoind on windows, appreciate help. thanks. ok, found. i

haskell - typeOf with type constructors of kind *->* / printing type of value from within program -

consider following : module main data tree = emptytree | node (tree a) (tree a) deriving (show, read, eq) data container b = container{contfield :: b a} deriving (show) result = container {contfield = node 'a' emptytree emptytree} main = print result if load ghci, following type of result : *main> :t result result :: container char tree how can print type container char tree within program? trying adapt solution given @ haskell — typerep concrete type instance got stuck because not find way use typeof in conjunction type constructors of kind * -> * [edit] : of methods in post have been deprecated in ghc 7.8.1 release notes version 7.8.1 : typeable poly-kinded, making typeable1, typeable2, etc., obsolete, deprecated, , relegated data.oldtypeable. furthermore, user-written instances of typeable disallowed: use deriving or new extension -xautoderivetypeable, create typeable instances every datatype declared in module. one p

c++ - Can't build PortAudio for i386 to make it play nice with NI's DAQmxBase -

i'm trying write little c/c++ program both acquires data ni usb daq , plays audio portaudio. problem is, appears ni daq library mac/linux, daqmxbase, has built under i386, , can't portaudio build i386. i have tried setting cflags , ldflags -arch=i386 before running ./configure --disable-mac-universal && make && make install , ni daqmxbase example code still won't build when add calls portaudio it: gcc -i../../includes -g -o2 -arch i386 acanalogtest.c -framework nidaqmxbase -framework nidaqmxbaselv -o acanalogtest undefined symbols architecture i386: "_pa_initialize", referenced from: _main in ccf1t0bz.o ld: symbol(s) not found architecture i386 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [acanalogtest] error 1 the ni daqmxbase makefile looks this: nilibs=-framework nidaqmxbase -framework nidaqmxbaselv includes=-i../../includes flags= -g -o2 -a

javascript - Cloning/Removing input fields - keeping element id unique -

i working generating dynamic input field inside form. have complex example uses checkboxes , select boxes. has 2 type of elements: main_items , sub_items . mentioned, can add input fields dynamically jquery through clone function replicates new set of input fields unique id attributes. having great difficulty 2 things: first, keeping id ’s unique each element duplicated, select boxes. second, have been able first drop down menu work first item have not figured out way other items. jsfiddle $('#btnadd').click(function () { var num = $('.clonedsection').length; var newnum = num + 1; var newsection = $('#pq_entry_' + num).clone().attr('id', 'pq_entry_' + newnum); newsection.find('input[type="text"]').val(''); newsection.find('select').val(''); newsection.find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', false); //hide sub item newsection.find(&#