php - Scrambling an image? -

i find myself reading comics in number of different ways. interests me how companies behind comic viewers reduce piracy. example comixology use flash. not uncrackable of course deters most.

anyway bought comics on google play first time , intrigued find out how google protect comic images.

google scramble


it appears scramble images , reassemble them on fly in reader! cool ay?

i hoping recreate , implement similar effect. understand basic principle behind , have drawn out how roughly.

with tool imagemagick crop image in equal chunks (like so) , stitch them i'm unsure browser side. image there's sort of key or seed called when page loaded determines goes i'm unsure how i'd implement this.

so question how go implementing this? each image having key or maybe locked master key. there particular name other image scrambling? or existing library/system sort of thing. i'd love read more or maybe see more examples of it


i thought i'd give image magick go based on code in link provided above. i've managed split image chunks feels massively inefficient chopping images , create files. ideally i'd instead store references these cropped images , drop straight new image. every tried similar imagemagick? load times pretty high , feels lot more efficient

another update:

been messing around code while , it's starting feel bit impractical in terms of time it'll take. processing image chunks/tiles/whatever want call takes can take upwards of minute , that's after i've resized more manageable size. don't think php best option anymore... alternatively thinking making process run in desktop application , uploading complete file , key reverse process web server it'd handling displaying. i'm pretty handy python , c# in 1 of languages. guys think yield better performance? or issue i'm going encounter sort of thing?

the html appears display images in simple table. each image chunk goes in td. server-side code need output each image chunk in correct td, need know how created chunks in first place. maybe name of each chunk includes position ("row" & "column"). maybe each image chunk file name stored in database, along value "row" , value "column". maybe each image chunk file name sequential, alphabetically, , they're displayed left right, top bottom, in order. seems there several fun ways implement this! i'm interested hear decide use.


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