angularjs - Accessing variable defined in slickgrid in AngulaJs -

i have array defined in slickgrid captures rows edited in grid using oncellchange event. want access array in angularjs controller can send edited rows backend. have searched question , got know need use $window in controller access global js variable. it's not working me. have read how access global js variable in angularjs directive ,$window

infact in 2nd link(above) , many people have commented it's didn't work them either. can please tell me missing?


var editedrows = [];     grid.oncellchange.subscribe(function(e , args){       var item = args.item;       for( i=0;i<editedrows.length; i++)             {              if(item.employeeid == editedrows[i].employeeid)              {                  editedrows.splice(i , 1 , item);                  return;               }                 else              {                  editedrows.push(item);                  return;              }             }     }); 


myapp.controller('submitcontroller' ,     ['$scope' ,'$window', function($scope , $window)    {      alert($window.editedrows);      $scope.editedrows  =  $window.editedrows;      }]); 

i think editedrows may have been defined within function scope (javascript) , hence not accesible outside.

if editedrows own variable can try

window.editedrows = [];

not solution though.


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