rdf - Correct usage of owl:someValue? -

if want every thing has book literacy, correct representation in owl ontology?

<owl:class rdf:about="#literacy">   <owl:equivalentclass>       <owl:restriction>         <owl:onproperty rdf:recource="#has"/>         <owl:somevalue rdf:recource="#book"/>       </owl:restriction>   </owl:equivalentclass> </owl:class> 

this seems related earlier question, meaning of owl:hasvalue?. there's no property owl:somevalue, so, code you've shown not legal owl class expression. i'd assume trying write owl version of axiom:

literacy ≡ ∃has.book (or, in manchester syntax: literacy equivalentto (has some book))

this doesn't make sense me, , think might issue english; “literacy” state of “being able read.” person able read literate; possess quality of literacy. make more sense talk concept literatething, i.e., class of things literate. if that's mean, write axiom

literate ≡ ∃has.book (or, in manchester syntax: literate equivalentto (has some book))

that's axiom can write, it's bit surprising see, because it's not true; there lots of literate things out there don't have book, , there plenty of things have books aren't literate. might more interested in subclass axiom, e.g.,

person ⊑ ∃has.nose

which says every person has nose. incorrect say, though,

person ≡ ∃has.nose

because there things have noses aren't people (e.g., dogs).


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