java - How to create a button in Libgdx? -

i want create button changes when user hovers it, or clicking it. created following variable

button buttonplay = new button(); 

i don't know now, how load images? how write text button? how implement events / effects (hover, click)?

it helpful if write example code button.

a button actor in libgdx. render actor use stage contains actors of screen, renders them , updates them. assume want button text, should use class textbutton , add stage. textbutton takes string render , buttonstyle, in case textbuttonstyle, class contains information button (font, drawable render while not pressed, drawable render while pressed etc).

   public class buttonexample extends game{      stage stage;     textbutton button;     textbuttonstyle textbuttonstyle;     bitmapfont font;     skin skin;     textureatlas buttonatlas;      @override     public void create() {               stage = new stage();         gdx.input.setinputprocessor(stage);         font = new bitmapfont();         skin = new skin();         buttonatlas = new textureatlas(gdx.files.internal("buttons/buttons.pack"));         skin.addregions(buttonatlas);         textbuttonstyle = new textbuttonstyle();         textbuttonstyle.font = font;         textbuttonstyle.up = skin.getdrawable("up-button");         textbuttonstyle.down = skin.getdrawable("down-button");         textbuttonstyle.checked = skin.getdrawable("checked-button");         button = new textbutton("button1", textbuttonstyle);         stage.addactor(button);     }      @override     public void render() {               super.render();         stage.draw();     } } 

so whats happening here? creating stage, font , textureatlas textures buttons in "buttons.pack". initialize empty textbuttonstyle , , add font , textures up, down , checked states. font, up, down , checked static variables of type drawable can pass kind of drawable (texture, 9-patch etc). add button stage.

now in order when button clicked, have add listener button, changelistener.

    button.addlistener(new changelistener() {         @override         public void changed (changeevent event, actor actor) {             system.out.println("button pressed");         }     }); 

of course instead of adding button directly stage should add table , add table stage didn't want make post confusing. here tutorial on tables in libgdx.


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