Open a Wordpress portfolio thumbnail as lightbox instead if linking to portfolio item page -

currently theme using links each portfolio thumbnail corresponding portfolio item page. link thumbnail larger image using lightbox.

the current shortcode is:

$output .= '<li>';                     $output .= '<a href="'. get_permalink() .'">';                         $output .= get_the_post_thumbnail( null, 'portfolio-item', array('class'=>'scale-with-grid' ) );                         $output .= '<div>';                             $output .= '<span class="ico"><i class="icon-search"></i></span>';                             $output .= '<h6>'. the_title(false, false, false) .'</h6>';                         $output .= '</div>';                     $output .= '</a>';                 $output .= '</li>'; 

you can use jquery colorbox plugin achieving functionality want


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