javascript - How can I create a directive that adds ng-class and ng-disabled on the target element based on a condition? -

i have following code:

app.directive "ngdisableonvar", ($compile) ->   restrict: "a"   terminal: true   priority: 1000   replace:false   scope: {}   compile: compile = (element, attrs) ->     cattr = attrs["ngdisableonvar"]     element.attr("ng-class", "{'disabled': !#{cattr}}")     element.attr("ng-disabled", "!#{cattr}")     element.removeattr("ng-disable-on-var")     pre: prelink = (scope, ielement, iattrs, controller) ->      post: postlink = (scope, ielement, iattrs, controller) ->       $compile(ielement)(scope) 

i tried base code on answer given here. basically, i'd have following:

<input ngdisableonvar="somescopevariable> 

and have replaced following:

<input ng-class="{'disabled': !somescopevariable}" ng-disabled="!somescopevariable"> 

something wrong, cause though have them applied element, they're disabled, though scope variable evaluates true. doing wrong?

edit: created plunker, first 2 buttons created ng-class , ng-disabled, , other 2 buttons, should have same things applied on them through use of directive.

here plunker version shared scope:

and here's 1 without shared scope:

the problem is, 1 without shared scope not update. how can make them update, , have conditions depend on variables passed arguments?

edit #2: i'm starting believe scope sharing correct way these 2 buttons should act, short of creating new directive encapsulates both buttons within it. not 100% sure though.

i go edit #2 because they related. if create them separate elements, need somehow pass related element each 1 => when click on 1 button, update , related element.

here modified first approach make work:

in example, have pass related element each directive when click can update , related element:


i did modifications in directive:

scope: {       reacton: "=", //use property binding instead of function binding       relatedelement:"@"      }, link: function(scope, element, attrs) {        scope.toggle = function(){         scope.reacton = !scope.reacton;//toggle current element         var relatedscope = $("#"+scope.relatedelement).scope();//get related element's scope , toggle         relatedscope.reacton = !relatedscope.reacton;       }       //var cattr = attrs.ngdisablereacton;       element.attr("ng-class", "{'disabled': !reacton}"); //use reacton instead property of current scope       element.attr("ng-disabled", "!reacton");       element.attr("ng-click", "toggle()");        element.removeattr("ng-disable-react-on");       $compile(element)(scope);     } 

we don't need make things complex. create normal directive wrap 2 buttons.

myapp.directive("ngdisablereacton", function($compile) {   return {     restrict: "a",     templateurl:"ngdisablereacton.html",     scope: {       can_go_back: "@"     },     link: function(scope, element, attrs) {        scope.goback = function(){           scope.can_go_back = false;       }        scope.gofwd = function(){           scope.can_go_back = true;       }     }   } }); 


<input type="button" value="go back" ng-click="goback()"  ng-class="{'disabled': !can_go_back}" ng-disabled="!can_go_back"> <input type="button" value="go fwd"  ng-click="gofwd()"   ng-class="{'disabled': can_go_back}" ng-disabled="can_go_back"> 


another solution create parent directive container. solution most. approach, can freely change inner content of directive adding more buttons, more text,....(don't need hardcode template) parent directive works manager ensure there 1 active child @ time:

myapp.directive("ngdisablereactoncontainer", function() { //container directive manage child directives   return {     restrict: 'ea',     replace: true,     transclude: true,//use transclusion move inner content template     template: '<div ng-transclude></div>',     controller: function() {       var children = [];        this.selectchild = function(activechild) { //ensure 1 child active @ time = true;         angular.foreach(children, function(child) {           if (child != activechild) {    = false;           }         });       }        this.addchild = function(child) {         children.push(child);       }     }   }; });  myapp.directive("ngdisablereacton", function($compile) {   return {     restrict: "a",      scope:{       active:"@"     },      require: '^?ngdisablereactoncontainer',     link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) { = === 'true';        controller.addchild(scope);//register container = function(){//when element clicked, inform container toggle children accordingly.          controller.selectchild(scope);       }        //add ng-class , ng-disabled based on requirement.       element.attr("ng-class", "{'disabled': active}"); //use active instead property of current scope       element.attr("ng-disabled", "active");       element.attr("ng-click", "select()");        element.removeattr("ng-disable-react-on");       $compile(element)(scope);     }   } }); 

using these directives simple:

<div ng-disable-react-on-container>     <input ng-disable-react-on type="button" value="button 1" active="true" >     <input ng-disable-react-on type="button" value="button 2" >     <input ng-disable-react-on type="button" value="button 3" > </div> 



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