Get project cost monthly on MS Project SQL Server database -

i'm building custom reports company work projects.

i have cost of project month month , show on excel sheet.

however, i'm struggling find how cube summarize data.

so far, i've got this:

declare @res_name nvarchar(510) declare @begin_date datetime declare @end_date datetime  -- set these variables select @res_name = 'team member' select @begin_date = '2013-01-01' select @end_date = '2013-12-31'  -- end variables select            p.wproj_id project_id,        proj_name project,        month(assn_start_date) startmonth,        year(assn_start_date) startyear,        sum(assignmentactualcost) cost,        sum(assn_act_work)/60000 assigned_work,        sum(assn_rem_work)/60000 remaining_work            msp_web_projects p,       msp_web_assignments a,       msp_view_proj_assn_std vpa   p.wproj_id = 489 ,     a.wproj_id = p.wproj_id ,     vpa.wproj_id = p.wproj_id ,     assn_start_date between @begin_date , @end_date group month(assn_start_date), year(assn_start_date), proj_name, p.wproj_id order year(assn_start_date), month(assn_start_date) 

it shows data, different showed cube.

what need know table stores information cost of know task or project, don't know how it.

thank's in advance.


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