c# - how to count continuous values in a list with linq -

i've list this:

var query = enumerable.range(0, 999).select((n, index) =>         {             if (index <= 333 || index >=777)                 return 0;             else if (index <= 666)                 return 1;             else                 return 2;         }); 

so, can find how indexes have same value continuously? example;

query[0]=query[1]=query[2]=query[3]... = 0, query[334] = 1, query[777]=query[778]... = 0.

first 334 indexes have 0, first answer 333. last 223 indexes have 0, second answer 223..

how can find these , indexes?

thanks in advance.

you can create extension consecutive grouping of items key:

public static ienumerable<igrouping<tkey, t>> groupconsecutive<t, tkey>(     ienumerable<t> source, func<t, tkey> keyselector) {     using (var iterator = source.getenumerator())     {         if (!iterator.movenext())              yield break;                     else          {             list<t> list = new list<t>();             var comparer = comparer<tkey>.default;             list.add(iterator.current);             tkey groupkey = keyselector(iterator.current);              while (iterator.movenext())             {                 var key = keyselector(iterator.current);                 if (!list.any() || comparer.compare(groupkey, key) == 0)                 {                     list.add(iterator.current);                     continue;                 }                  yield return new group<tkey, t>(groupkey, list);                 list = new list<t> { iterator.current };                 groupkey = key;             }              if (list.any())                 yield return new group<tkey, t>(groupkey, list);         }     } } 

of course can return ienumerable<ilist<t>> little different concept of group, want have, because want know value used group sequence of items. unfortunately there no public implementation of igrouping<tkey, telement> interface, , should create our own:

public class group<tkey, telement> : igrouping<tkey, telement> {     private tkey _key;     private ienumerable<telement> _group;      public group(tkey key, ienumerable<telement> group)     {         _key = key;         _group = group;     }      public tkey key     {         { return _key; }     }      public ienumerator<telement> getenumerator()     {         return _group.getenumerator();     }      ienumerator ienumerable.getenumerator()     {         return getenumerator();     } } 

now usage simple:

var groups =  query.groupconsecutive(i => i) // produces groups                    .select(g => new { g.key, count = g.count() }); // projection 


[   { key: 0, count: 334 },   { key: 1, count: 333 },   { key: 2, count: 110 },   { key: 0, count: 222 } ] 


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