c# - ProcessStartInfo not calling WinForm EXE -

when run application in localhost, fires off exe. loaded web app iis 6, resides on real server, , web page winform exe never executed or launched. missing in code below?

winform code:

    //sql section returning images     #region "images query"      imagequery = "select isn isn ";     imagequery += "from bc_bcc_document (nolock) ";     imagequery += "where barcode_id = ? ";      datatable imagetable = new datatable();     imagetable.columns.add("isn", typeof(int32));     datarow imagerows;      //fills table images information     odbccommand comd = new odbccommand(imagequery);      string conne = "dsn=xxxx; uid=xxxxx; pwd=xxxxxx";      using (odbcconnection connected = new odbcconnection(conne))     {         comd.connection = connected;         connected.open();          comd.parameters.addwithvalue("barcode_id", txtbarcode.text);          odbcdatareader readar = comd.executereader();          while (readar.read())         {             isn = convert.toint32(readar["isn"].tostring().trimend());             imagerows = imagetable.newrow();             imagerows["isn"] = isn;         }         readar.close(); 

web app code:

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.web; using system.web.ui; using system.web.ui.webcontrols; using system.diagnostics;  namespace imageview2 {     public partial class _default : system.web.ui.page     {         protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)         {             var proc = new process             {                 enableraisingevents = false,                 startinfo = new processstartinfo()                 {                     useshellexecute = false,                     filename = @"c:\imageviewer\imageview.exe",                     arguments = request.querystring["dkt_id"].tostring()                 }             };             proc.start();         }     } } 


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