Embedded Google Earth not retrieving photos from KMZ url -

i using gadget embed google earth on page , display series of points , photos stored in kmz. have uploaded kmz hosting account file manager , added kmz's url code:

<script src="//www.gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://dl.google.com/developers/maps/embedkmlgadget.xml&amp;up_kml_url=http%3a%2f%2fwebmapacademy.com%2fkmls%2fco_bce6_grizzly_ridge_geochange_1955-2011.kmz&amp;up_view_mode=earth&amp;up_earth_2d_fallback=0&amp;up_earth_fly_from_space=1&amp;up_earth_show_nav_controls=1&amp;up_earth_show_buildings=0&amp;up_earth_show_terrain=1&amp;up_earth_show_roads=1&amp;up_earth_show_borders=1&amp;up_earth_sphere=earth&amp;up_maps_zoom_out=0&amp;up_maps_default_type=map&amp;synd=open&amp;w=500&amp;h=400&amp;title=embedded+kml+viewer&amp;border=%23ffffff%7c3px%2c1px+solid+%23999999&amp;output=js"></script> 

the fly in works (although sloooow zoom), pins load, but--nstead of photos in pop up--the pin displays "schema0:photos".

how can photos display?

well, guess 1 way solve problem force formulate question.

i got work!

unzip kmz , ftp photos server individual urls each file. edit kml photo paths point respective urls. upload edited kml folder images, , paste url of kml gadget generates ge code. yay!

couple things:

- when photos named “image” displayed, when named photos “placemark” , google earth like, yeaaah, no dice. renaming photos did trick.

2 – careful! there’s “tour” gadget – if have kmz tour great, if not fly-in won’t work.

3 – weird , can’t explain it, when go edit gadget code after page has been published, has knack disappearing. simple solution, publish , leave alone, , if update next simple solution go gadget , code again. annoying - know this?!?

4 – if didn’t due diligence in naming placemarks in field, can edit them in notepad++ changing “” “” or whatever want name it.


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