FPDF image size -

i'm using fpdf php add image pdf , want put automatically size of image find function

    function fctaffichimage($img_src, $w_max, $h_max) {   if (file_exists($img_src)) {    $img_size = getimagesize($img_src);    $w_src = $img_size[0]; // largeur source    $h_src = $img_size[1]; // hauteur source    if(!$w_max) { $w_max = 0; }    if(!$h_max) { $h_max = 0; }    $w_test = round($w_src * ($h_max / $h_src));    $h_test = round($h_src * ($w_max / $w_src));    if($w_src<$w_max && $h_src<$h_max) {       $w = $w_src;       $h = $h_src;    } elseif($w_max==0 && $h_max==0) {       $w = $w_src;       $h = $h_src;    } elseif($w_max==0) {       $w = $w_test;       $h = $h_max;    } elseif($h_max==0) {       $w = $w_max;       $h = $h_test;      }     elseif($h_test > $h_max) {       $w = $w_test;       $h = $h_max;    } else {       $w = $w_max;       $h = $h_test;    }  }     } 

but when

// requĂȘte $tab1 = $_get['tab1']; $id = $_get['id']; $table = $_get['table']; $ree = "select title,title2 $tab1 $table = $id order 1";  $sql2 = mysql_query($ree);    // on affiche les deux images avec la fontion fctaffichimage   while ($roww = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql2))         {              $nomm = $roww["title"];             $url = "/var/www/images/".$nomm ;             fctaffichimage($url,100,100 );             $pdf->cell(40,6,'',0,0,'c',$pdf->image($img_src,85,55));          } 

it didn't work try change position of $url = "/var/www/images/".$nomm ; fctaffichimage($url,100,100 ); didn't work too.

i see hope you. put @ bottom of function fctaffichimage next code:

$img1 = imagecreatefrompng($img_src); $img2 = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h); imagecopyresampled($img2, $img1, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, $w_src, $w_src); imagepng($img2, $img_src); 

here put png image, can generalize it, depends of need. it's running in enviroment php 5.3 (but there's new imagescale function in php 5.5).


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