responsive design - Foundation 5 Orbit Slider inside Reveal Modal has no Height -

here jsfiddle demonstrating following issue.

i'm using foundation 5 framework , trying include orbit slider inside of reveal modal, reason slider not given appropriate height.

<-- button reveal modal --> <a href="#" data-reveal-id="mymodal" data-reveal class="button radius">click modal</a>  <!-- modal popup revealed --> <div id="mymodal" class="reveal-modal" data-reveal>     <ul data-orbit>         <li><img src="" /></li>         <li><img src="" /></li>         <li><img src="" /></li>     </ul> </div> 

note if resize browser window modal open, automatically corrects appropriate height. issue existed in previous versions of foundation, hacky fixes popped this:

$('.reveal-modal').on('opened', function(){     $(this).find('[data-orbit]').css('height','');       $(window).trigger('resize.fndtn.orbit'); }); 

however fix no longer works in newest version of foundation. there way working?

note don't want assign min-height css attribute content in slider of variable height, not mention responsive pixel value wouldn't work.

in short believe answer:

$(document).foundation();  $('.reveal-modal').on('opened', function(){     $(window).trigger('resize'); }); 


$(document).foundation();  $(document).on('opened', '[data-reveal]', function () {     $(window).trigger('resize'); }); 

i looked @ following references:

it looks old hack 4.1.2 called compute_dimension method resize modal once opened. looked in foundation.orbit.js file , found $(window).on('resize', self.compute_dimensions);, around line 280.

instead of $(window).trigger('resize.fndtn.orbit'); used $(window).trigger('resize'); , removed line $(this).find('[data-orbit]').css('height','');.

i forked jsfiddle , added changes here.

i hope helps.


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