wordpress - How do I "install the PHP client by running the command in the plugin root directory"? -

i customize wordpress sites, i'm technical i'm trying install plugin github , instructions confusing me.

here installing instructions:

1. clone or copy project folder wp-content/plugins directory
2. install spinpapi php client running commands git submodule init , git submodule update in wpspin root directory
3. ensure wpspin/spinpapi/tmp folder writable web server user

4. activate plugin wordpress plugins screen

i'm pretty baffled numbers 2 , 3. how run command in root directory? , when downloaded zip file, there isn't wpspin/spinpapi/tmp folder, how make writable?

this page i'm looking at: github reference link

thanks help.

can connect server ssh?

if yes, can execute command like:

connect server

ssh username@mydomain.com 

1: clone git repository

git clone https://github.com/emumarketing/wpspin.git 

2: install spinpapi php client

cd wpspin git submodule init git submodule update 

3: search on google chmod make folder writable


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