ios - Google Analytics V3.03 not sending back data -

i have run example version supplied google , works , have used make tracking in app (the documentation on site references previous version pretty useless) cannot tracking send.

it either says no pending hits or says has sent doesn't appear in analytics , yet google 1 , code identical.

in app delegate there

nsdictionary *appdefaults = @{kallowtracking: @(yes)}; [[nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults] registerdefaults:appdefaults]; // user must able opt out of tracking [gai sharedinstance].optout = ![[nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults] boolforkey:kallowtracking]; // initialize google analytics 120-second dispatch interval. there // tradeoff between battery usage , timely dispatch. [gai sharedinstance].dispatchinterval = 20; [gai sharedinstance].trackuncaughtexceptions = yes; self.tracker = [[gai sharedinstance] trackerwithname:@"my app."                                           trackingid:@"ua-xxxxxxxx-x"]; 

which identical googles code , in view want send

self.screenname = @"work"; 

which again same use. correct files imported , far can tell identical (obviously not isn't working)

this driving nuts, appreciated thanks

ok after spending time on have figured out why wasn't working. turns out have have [super xyz] method viewdidload , viewdidappear adding these 2 super's in (i missing [super viewdidappear] made work)

edit may need in viewwillappear have not tested this


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