Nested Loops in VBA Excel -

i have need create list based on data. need render numbers 000000 through numbers 080808. hoping format data this...

000000 - chw equipment rtu

000001 - chw equipment chiller

etc. need list of potential combinations of numbers, description of be. like:

=concatenate(a1,c1,e1," - ",b1," ",d1," ",f1)

except looped through possible combinations. can me come loop this? i'm not familiar macros.

a   b               c   d               e   f 00  chw             00  equipment       00  rtu 01  hhw             01  sm steel pipe   01  chiller 02  steam           02  lb steel pipe   02  split system 03  med gas         03  copper          03  pump 04  ug/soil         04  cast iron       04  boiler 05  domestic water  05  plastic         05  cooling tower 06  compressed air  06  double-wall     06  air compressor 07  natural gas     07  sheetmetal      07  fan 08  refrigerant     08  fixtures        08  unit vent 

    sub getallcombinations()      dim rownum integer     dim rowvalue string     dim celrange string      dim string     dim b string     dim c string     dim d string     dim e string     dim f string       rownum = 1          each cell in range("a2:a10")              = range("a" + cstr(cell.row)).value             b = range("b" + cstr(cell.row)).value              each cell2 in range("c2:c10")                  c = range("c" + cstr(cell2.row)).value                 d = range("d" + cstr(cell2.row)).value                  each cell3 in range("e2:e10")                      e = range("e" + cstr(cell3.row)).value                     f = range("f" + cstr(cell3.row)).value                      range("h" + cstr(rownum)).value = + c + e + " - " + b + d + f                      rownum = rownum + 1                 next              next          next      end sub 


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