python - Short animation class in Pygame? -

i litterally have no idea still how use classes. need 18 frame animation , have capability of doing anywhere (25 times) in 5x5 grid. ideas on how accomplished?

anyway, have far:

class showrectangles:   def __init__(self):     pass   def flipcard(self):     while showrect:       pygame.draw.rect(window,black,[self.position,75*scale,75*scale])     self.blitoptions = self.image,self.position,[[55,self.frame,0],[75*scale,75*scale]]     window.blit(pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.blitoptions,75*scale).convert_alpha())     if self.flipping , self.frame != 18:       self.frame += 1     else:       self.flipping = false  class boardcard(showrectangles):    def __init__(self,pos):     self.position = pos     self.rect = rect(self.position[0]*scale,self.position[1]*scale,self.position[0]+75*scale,self.position[1]+75*scale)     self.flipping = false     self.frame = 0     self.image = themedb["default"]["images"]["flipanimation"]     # def getrect(self):   #   return pygame.rect(int(self.position[0]),int(self.position[1]),int(self.position[0])+75*scale,int(self.position[1])+75*scale) 


showrect shows areas clickable sort of "debug view".

scale resizes window , images on it.

themedb set of themes game. "flipanimation.png" stored here.

did read python tutorials? have great explanation classes.

i'm not sure trying accomplish, seems have grid of rectangles, , after click, want flip card animation.

what want define class myrectangle, have methods __init__, draw , update. here short example:

class card:     def __init__(self,pos):         self.flipping = false         self.images = loadimages()         self.frame = 0         self.pos = pos     def flip():         self.flipping = true     def update():         if self.flipping:             self.frame += 1             self.frame %= len(self.images)     def draw(screen):         screen.blit(self.images[self.frame],self.pos) 

your main loop code this:

cards = [] x in range(10):    y in range(10):       cards.append(card((x*10,y*10))) while not finished:     card in cards:         card.draw(screen)         card.update() #somewhere in event loop:     card.flip() 


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