Testing against multiple Vagrant versions using Travis-CI -

i'd test vagrant plugin against multiple versions, using each release same ruby version embedded vagrant package. i've created following configuration file travis ci:

language: ruby matrix:   include:     - rvm: 1.8.7-p357       gemfile: gemfiles/vagrant1_1.gemfile     - rvm: 1.9.3-p448       gemfile: gemfiles/vagrant1_2.gemfile       gemfile: gemfiles/vagrant1_3.gemfile     - rvm: 2.0.0-p353       gemfile: gemfile 

but when try validate configuration against travis lint web service receive following error:

found issue rvm key:

specify ruby versions/implementations want test against using "rvm" key

first experience travis ci, can't understand i'm doing wrong.

travis seems require specify @ least 1 default rvm. like:

language: ruby rvm: 2.0.0 matrix:   # ... 

other issue i'm quite sure second gemfile in '1.9.3-p448' override first one.

and third, vagrant officially supports 1 ruby version. before 1.4 vagrant works ruby 1.9.3, 1.4 on ruby 2.0.0. might not hit problems in plugin's unit tests, no need consume travis resources. =)

for env var based approach (instead of gemfile based), see vagrant-proxyconf's .travis.yml , gemfile.


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