c# - CloudTable ExecuteQuery async -

is possible run executequery asynchronously?

consider following code:

public virtual myentity mymethod(string parm1, string parm2) {      string querystring = tablequery.combinefilters(tablequery.generatefiltercondition("partitionkey", querycomparisons.equal, parm1),                                                     tableoperators.and,                                                     tablequery.generatefiltercondition("rowkey", querycomparisons.equal, parm2));      tablequery<myentity> query = new tablequery<myentity>().where(querystring);       return tenanttnstable.executequery(query).tolist().firstordefault(); } 

is possible make async method , use await on executequery call?

try task.run. should able run non-async code asynchronously , await result.


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