javascript - Determine what CSS selectors are been applied to an element -

is there way determine if selector been applied given element?

i know it´s possible iterate on css selectors, , test if each 1 applicably or not. i´m not sure if way firebug , other inspector it.

edit: need way dynamically, js.

you can check if element instance matched selector using document.queryselectorall , array.prototype.indexof:

function elementmatchesselector(element, selector) {     return, element) > -1; } 

of course works modern browsers support aforementioned methods.

alternatively can use element.matches:

function elementmatchesselector(element, selector) {     var fn;     if (!element) {         return false;     }     fn = element.matches || element.mozmatchesselector || element.msmatchesselector || element.webkitmatchesselector;     if (fn) {         return, selector);     }     return false; } 


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