web services - php pass variable amount of soap params to soap client -

i have php soap client generates xml envelope , request. need pass in variable amount of nodes request. not know how many arguments passed in needs dynamic.

$output = $this->_client->updaterequest(             new soapparam($this->_memberid, "memberid"),             new soapparam($this->_userid, "userid"),             new soapparam(functions::getremoteip(), "ipaddress"),             new soapparam($this->_macaddress, "hardwareid"),             new soapparam($data->applicationid, "applicationid"),             new soapparam($application,"application"),             new soapparam($applicants,"applicant") <----- array         ); 

i need in request:

<updaterequest>    <memberid>1</memberid>    etc etc...    <applicant>   <--------- repeating node         .....    </applicant>    <applicant>         .....    </applicant>    <applicant>         .....    </applicant> </updaterequest> 

any ideas?


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