android - Google Play games: getRawScore does not get the local Score when offline -

i using google games services trying update user score offline. works fine there cool feature that:, if device offline or otherwise unable post score server. score stored locally , posted server next time device online , able perform sync (no further action required client).

so, imagine user has 100 points, score gan grow 200,300,etc. , updated when going online.

unfortunately, when querying score getrawscore score returned not offline one, rather last value server.

is there way fix this? workaround?

i think it's way worse that: according tests, getrawscore() (or other methods getrank(), ...) return up-to-date data if displayed corresponding leaderboard default intent. if never did, won't value.

see post here: play games loadleaderboardmetadata() returns outdated data

[update] apparently, can use loadcurrentplayerleaderboardscore instead of loadleaderboardmetadata method. 1 doesn't seem return outdated data. check here


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