c# - How to fix - Cannot find object/table in database error when it actually exists? -

i made console c# app in generate sql insert row table info_table , execute it. when use same c# code (with necessary modifications of course) in ssis, error saying table cannot found.

error: system.reflection.targetinvocationexception: exception has  been thrown target of invocation.  ---> system.data.sqlclient.sqlexception: invalid object name 'info_table'. 

i know there info_table in database , works in console app. so, tried use qualified name in ssis c# script instead of info_table , error went away. why happen , how fix ? doubt if there problem ssis connection string.

my ssis connection string (connection manager ado.net type) -

data source=.;user id=admin;initial catalog=maximdb;persist  security info=true;application name=ssis-datareader-{555000d ddd-aaa-bbb-cccceee}localhost.maximdb.admin; 

my console app connection string -

"server=(local);database=maximdb;integrated security=sspi;"; 

the c# objects connect database -

for console c# app -

      sqlconnection conn = new sqlconnection(consolestring); 

for ssis c# script -

        string ssisdbconnmgr = "sample_db";//name of connection          manager in ssis, ado.net type          connectionmanager connmgr;         sqlconnection databaseconn;         sqlcommand sqlcmd;         connmgr = dts.connections[ssisdbconnmgr];         databaseconn = (sqlconnection)connmgr.acquireconnection(dts.transaction);         sqlcmd = new sqlcommand(); 

it sounds table not using default schema (i.e., besides "dbo").


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