java - Can not assign ServletContext spring 3 -

i trying use servletcontext.getrealpath in util class load file resource (not part of unit testing) not work.

i tried both use "implements servletcontextaware":

@component public class utils implements servletcontextaware{     private servletcontext servletcontext;      @override     public void setservletcontext(servletcontext servletcontext) {         this.servletcontext = servletcontext;          system.out.println("**** "+servletcontext);     } } 

which throws npe since servletcontext not assigned spring.

and @autowired route:

@component public class utils{      @autowired     private servletcontext servletcontext; 

which throws nosuchbeandefinitionexception when tomcat being starting:

caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.nosuchbeandefinitionexception: no qualifying bean of type [javax.servlet.servletcontext] found dependency: expected @ le ast 1 bean qualifies autowire candidate dependency. dependency annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired(required=true)} 

i adding initialization code in case doing wrong prevents spring inject right bean.

public class webappinitializer implements webapplicationinitializer {      private static logger log = loggerfactory.getlogger(webappinitializer.class);      @override     public void onstartup(servletcontext servletcontext) {         webapplicationcontext rootcontext = createrootcontext(servletcontext);          configurespringmvc(servletcontext, rootcontext);          filterregistration.dynamic corsfilter = servletcontext.addfilter("corsfilter", corsfilter.class);         corsfilter.addmappingforurlpatterns(null, false, "/*");  //        configurespringsecurity(servletcontext, rootcontext);     }      private webapplicationcontext createrootcontext(servletcontext servletcontext) {         annotationconfigwebapplicationcontext rootcontext = new annotationconfigwebapplicationcontext();  //        rootcontext.register(coreconfig.class, securityconfig.class);         rootcontext.register(coreconfig.class);         rootcontext.refresh();          servletcontext.addlistener(new contextloaderlistener(rootcontext));         servletcontext.setinitparameter("defaulthtmlescape", "true");          return rootcontext;     } 


@configuration public class coreconfig {      @bean     public captionfixture createcaptionfixture() {         return new captionfixture();     }      @bean     public utils createutils () {         return new utils();     } } 

utils class servlet context.

i have looked @ suggested answers: here , here , didnt work.

the issue calling refresh() without servletcontext being registered, none available when beans initialized.

get rid of call


the contextloaderlistener take care of calling refresh(). constructor javadoc explains happens when applicationcontext passed argument isn't refreshed.


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