javascript - Is there a way to explicitly test if a device supports double-click? -

i wrote game, , allows users configure own game settings.

one of options play card double-clicking it. however, on mobile device, if user selects option, game gets stuck because there no double-click on mobile device.

so i'd detect if device supports double-click, , if does, great, if doesn't fall preference instead.

i tried once , failed. tried detecting if device supports touch (using modernizr), that's wrong, because computers support both double-click , touch, in case want still let people double-click. (supporting touch not opposite of supporting double-click)

is there way tell if browser/device combo supports traditional double-click?

no, outside of prompting user attempt perform action , detecting if single or double click occurs, there not (yet) cross device standard detecting available input methods.

you could, on other hand, attempt use detection library modernizr ( detect if on touch device, , swtich detecting , actual doubleclick detecting clicks within frequency. following:

var d = new date(); var lastclick = d.gettime(); var clickdelay = 500; //half second if(modernizr.touch){{   var currentclick = d.gettime();   if(currentclick - lastclick < clickdelay){   lastclick = 0; //prevent tripleclick registering   //doubleclick detected,   } }); } else /*use current doubleclick detection*/ { //do } 

i oversimplifying, in example want detecting touch events rather clicks, should give general idea.


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