javascript - ng-repeat not working in iOS -

i have ng-repeat looks this:

<div ng-repeat = "header in headers" ng-show = "headers.length > 0">             <div class = "promoheader">                 {{header.descript1}}             </div>             <div class="touchcarousel minimal-light promoscarousel">                 <ul class="touchcarousel-container">                     <li ng-repeat = "promo in header.promos" class="touchcarousel-item" ng-class = "{'disabledpromo' : invalidpromo(promo)}">                         <a id = "{{promo.promoid}}" ng-click = "viewpromo(promo)">                             <img class = "tcimage" ng-src = "{{promo.photourl}}"/>                             <div class = "tctext"><span class = "tctext-inner">{{promo.descript1}}</span></div>                         </a>                     </li>                 </ul>             </div>         </div> 

for reason header.descript1 taking value of promo.descript1. makes no sense works fine in android breaks in ios. cordova 3.3.0 application jquery mobile , angularjs. took @ dom in weinre hasn't helped. perhaps there compatibility issue between ios , angularjs?


it appears issue caused in websql not angular:

db.transaction(function(tx){                 tx.executesql('select * promohead inner join promo on promohead.headid = promo.headid order promohead.sortorder', [], function (tx, results){                     (var = 0; i<results.rows.length; i++)                     {                             headers.push({                                 headid : results.rows.item(i).headid,                                 descript1 : results.rows.item(i).descript1,                                  promos : []                             });                     }                 }, errorcb);              }, errorcb); 

i checked promohead , has correct values. when perform inner join, however, promohead takes value of first promo row in results. error occurs on ios, android works expected.

the spaces around attribute definitions causing issue


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