- AJAX Control Toolkit: TabPanel Visible=false causes other tab panels to show mixed content when changing ActiveTabIndex -

i updated toolkit version 30930 (sep 2009) 7.1213 (dec 2013) on project containing complex implementation of tabcontainer. before update had no issue @ page , tabcontainer in general, referenced new toolkit version found out strange behaviors. reduced in simple, basic standalone page, follows:

aspx page

<%@ page language="c#" autoeventwireup="true" codebehind="tabcontainersample.aspx.cs" inherits="sampleproject.tabcontainersample" %> <%@ register assembly="ajaxcontroltoolkit" namespace="ajaxcontroltoolkit" tagprefix="cc2" %>  <html xmlns=""> <head id="head1" runat="server"> <title>tabcontainer tab not visible issue test page</title> </head> <body>     <form id="form1" runat="server">     <cc2:toolkitscriptmanager id="toolkitscriptmanager1" runat="server"></cc2:toolkitscriptmanager>     <div id="maincontent">         <asp:label id="lblactivetab" runat="server"></asp:label>         <cc2:tabcontainer runat="server" width="100%" id="tabcontdns"              activetabindex="0" onactivetabchanged="tabcontdns_activetabchanged"             autopostback="true">             <cc2:tabpanel runat="server" headertext="tab 1" id="tab1">             <contenttemplate>                 <p>tab 1</p>             </contenttemplate>             </cc2:tabpanel>             <cc2:tabpanel runat="server" headertext="tab 2" id="tab2">             <contenttemplate>                 <p>tab 2</p>             </contenttemplate>             </cc2:tabpanel>             <cc2:tabpanel runat="server" headertext="invisible tab" id="tab0" visible="false">             <contenttemplate>                 <p>tab 0 (invisible)</p>             </contenttemplate>             </cc2:tabpanel>             <cc2:tabpanel runat="server" headertext="tab 3 (after invisible tab starts here)" id="tab3">             <contenttemplate>                 <p>tab 3</p>             </contenttemplate>             </cc2:tabpanel>             <cc2:tabpanel runat="server" headertext="tab 4" id="tab4">             <contenttemplate>                 <p>tab 4</p>             </contenttemplate>             </cc2:tabpanel>             <cc2:tabpanel runat="server" headertext="tab 5" id="tab5">             <contenttemplate>                 <p>tab 5</p>             </contenttemplate>             </cc2:tabpanel>             <cc2:tabpanel runat="server" headertext="tab 6" id="tab6">             <contenttemplate>                 <p>tab 6</p>             </contenttemplate>             </cc2:tabpanel>             <cc2:tabpanel runat="server" headertext="tab 7" id="tab7">             <contenttemplate>                 <p>tab 7</p>             </contenttemplate>             </cc2:tabpanel>             <cc2:tabpanel runat="server" headertext="tab 8" id="tab8">             <contenttemplate>                 <p>tab 8</p>             </contenttemplate>             </cc2:tabpanel>         </cc2:tabcontainer>     </div> </form> </body> </html> 

cs code

using system;

namespace sampleproject {     public partial class tabcontainersample :     {         protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)         {             //tab0.visible = false;             //tab0.enabled = false;         }          protected void tabcontdns_activetabchanged(object sender, eventargs e)         {             lblactivetab.text = "selected tab: " + tabcontdns.activetab.headertext;         }     } } 

basically happens when set 1 or more tab invisible (no matter whether attribute on tag declaration or in code-behind), tabcontainer starts display mixed-content tabs after activetabchanged event, when index requested equals or greater 1 of not visible. issue showing both or without updatepanels on page.

i found no other discussion that, except old 1 on codeplex, describes happening me. answered work item , opened new one myself, not sure going on , why old bug popping out again that.

hope can advice workaround or other useful tip.

edit: bug seems re-introduced on december 2013 toolkit version. anyway, may have found workaround bypass issue. discussion still on progress on codeplex platform, posted there details:


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