c - File Written in Chinese (I think?) -

i have assignment create own version of unix ar, in c. broke assignment several pieces , trying write file names file(which archive file) @ point. can create file, , when use printfs make sure i'm getting proper arguments command line, file names correct. when open file have created suppose hold file names, in asian language.

i've researched problem , haven't found go on. thing did find files being encoded differently, i'm pretty confused @ point.

#include <stdlib.h> #include "ar.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h>  int main (int argc, char **argv) {     char *file_name, *archive_name;     size_t count = 50;     int i, fd, num_written;      //command line options later     //argv[1]      //get archive name     archive_name = argv[2];      //get file names add archive     (i = 3; i<argc; i++)     {         file_name = argv[i];     }      //create archive file     fd = open(archive_name, o_rdwr |o_creat|o_append);     if (fd < 0){         perror("error while opening file.\n");         exit(exit_failure);         }     else         printf("file %s opened successfully\n", archive_name);       //write file names archive file         (i = 3; i<argc; i++)     {         printf("file name: %s\n", argv[i]);         num_written = write(fd, argv[i], 50);         if (num_written == -1){             perror("error while writing archive.\n");             exit(exit_failure);             }       }       close(fd);      return 0;      } 

your code assuming arguments after archive name 50 bytes long. if arguments shorter that, program may crash or write random data. since didn't crash, , notepad (or whatever) seems think it's chinese, i'm going assume wrote random data. use strlen figure out how long each of argument names are.

check argv[2] without checking argv, cause crash.
nothing file_name makes sense.


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