r - nPLot x-axis Date variable and default stacked Bar plot in rCharts -

i using nplot, x-axis date variable, want date in data 'yyyy-mm-dd', tilted vertically (90 degrees). want nplot show chart stacked default. please me out.

enter image description here

output$testchart = renderchart({ testchart = nplot(count~date, data = df, group = 'category',        type = 'multibarchart') testchart$chart(reducexticks = f) testchart$xaxis(staggerlabels = t) testchart$chart(stacked = t) testchart$xaxis(tickformat = "#! d3.time.format('%y-%m-%d') !#") return(testchart) }) 

and in server.r

output$mytabs = renderui({   tabs = tabsetpanel(          tabpanel('tab1', h5("tab1"),                    fluidrow(showoutput("testchart"))                   )          )   mainpanel(tabs) 


in ui.r


suppose stored plot in object n1. here how can customize seek.

n1$chart(stacked = true) n1$xaxis(   tickformat = "#! d3.time.format('%y-%m-%d') !#",   rotatelabels = 90 ) n1 

i have no way verify works. suggest post data , code used generate plot. doing so, works you, useful others come across question.


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