android - Compare two JSONObject values and return the smaller between them -

for given json:

{     "month": {         "days": {             "day1": {                 "start": 13914323164815,                 "duration": 15             },             "day2": {                 "start": 13914123164815,                 "duration": 56             }         }     } } 

i want values duration (in case 15 , 56), compare them , return smaller value. first got month object , tried next:

jsonobject days = mymonthobject.getjsonobject("days"); jsonarray daysarray = days.names();     (short r = 0; r<daysarray.length();r++){              string dayobject = daysarray.getstring(r);              jsonobject alldaysobject = days.getjsonobject(dayobject);               string duration = alldaysobject.getstring("duration");               log.w(tag, "the duration is: " + duration); } 

on first iteration got message: duration is: 15, , on second iteration: duration is: 56.

now how preserve first found value duration , on next iteration of daysarray loop (the value 56) compare both , return , smaller?

any appreciated! :)

firstly, outisde loop, create int variable called max.

int max = 0; 

essentially, you're getting value of each duration string (as in example):

string duration = alldaysobject.getstring("duration"); 

now, can int value of by:

int intduration = integer.parseint(duration); 

next, compare intduration max:

if (intduration > max) max = intduration; 

then can let iterate through entire array. @ end of loop, max hold highest duration.


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