progress 4gl - Dynamic array or resize extend? -

this superfluous question. there dynamic array or list in progress 10.2b?


i create base class called "inventorytransaction". read mssql table progress , create instance of inventorytransaction class each record found add "list/array" can later process them.

is there myarray:add(myitem) increase automatically array size +1 add instance of myitem array?

i discovered function extent set size dynamically array not know count before reading transaction in mssql table. alternatively, execute "select count(*) mytable" before reading transaction retrieve count , extent array.

thank you! happy friday! sebastien

the short answer - no, 10.2b avm doesn't allow dynamically resize array.

the long answer (a) add object linked list of objects, or (b) create temp-table progress.lang.object field, create new tt record each object instance want track, , assign object's pointer tt's plo field.


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