android - ORMlite database version not incrementing after onUpgrade -

i've been working on android project , i've been using ormlite. far i've been able need , i'm using quite complex data model now.

now seems i'm having problems onupgrade method of helper.

here essentials of onupgrade method:

public void onupgrade(final sqlitedatabase db, final connectionsource connectionsource, int oldversion, final int newversion) { try {     // loop round until newest version has been reached , add appropriate migration     while (++oldversion <= newversion) {         // available update sql statements , execute them         final string[] availableupdates = sqlstaticcontenthelper.getmigrationstatements(oldversion);         executestatements(db, availableupdates, true);     }            } catch (exception e) {     log.e(log_tag, "onupgrade() - can't migrate databases, bootstrap database, data lost", e);     oncreate(db, connectionsource); } 

here oncreate method:

public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase database ,connectionsource connectionsource) {     try {     //create tables     (class<?> c : alltablesarray)     {         try {             tableutils.droptable(connectionsource, c, false);         } catch (sqlexception e) {log.d(log_tag, "oncreate() - not droping table " + c.getcanonicalname() + ". not exist.");}         tableutils.createtable(connectionsource, c);     }  } catch (exception e) {     log.e(log_tag, "oncreate() - problem creating tables : ", e);     throw new runtimeexception(e); }  

the expected behavior following:

  1. there upgrade
  2. do upgrade
  3. if upgrade not successful resources database
  4. increment version

i upgrades , works fine (when works fine). during tests inserted sql error on purpose , go oncreate , drops tables , creates tables, wont increment version (next time application restarted try upgrade again).

anyone got idea of why happening? if no exception occurs in onupgrade database version gets updated correctly.


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