Does fixing the Checkstyle INFOs improve performance of the Java code -

i wondering while fixing checkstyle infos if leads performance improvement. understand info cannot taken still comment appreciated.

i not think offer such improvement can wrong hence better seek expert advice :)

assuming refer standard checkstyle checks: refer style of source code, not "style of programming". example, code formatting ("arraytrailingcomma", "genericwhitespace"...) not affect actual bytecode generated class. there may class causes hundreds of warnings, , anothe class free of warnings, , in end, may compile identical bytecode.

some of checks may influence code in way changes bytecode, , thus, influences performance @ least theoretically. example, "equalshashcode" check: if causes insert equals/hashcode method, may of course affect performance (but more importantly: behavior of program!). "booleanexpressioncomplexity" might cause split complex expression, causing more instructions generated in bytecode. in general, these changes should not have noticable effect on performance.


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