ios - Magical Record saveWithBlock: not saving -

i'm having trouble getting objects save using method [magicalrecord savewithblock:completion]. when switch on using normal blocks works fine. using version 2.2develop.

the code below works, , have commented out savewithblock: specific parts. executeblock...: methods wrap dispatch_async , executeblockonmainthread: replaces completion: block.

[card.managedobjectcontext mr_savetopersistentstoreandwait]; //[magicalrecord savewithblock:^(nsmanagedobjectcontext *localcontext) { // replace this... [nsobject executeblockinbackground:^{ // this...      card *localcard = [card mr_incontext:[nsmanagedobjectcontext mr_contextforcurrentthread]]; // mr_incontext:localcontext];     nsrange range = [localcard.fragment rangeofstring:localcard.term options:nscaseinsensitivesearch];     if (range.location == nsnotfound){         return;     }      nsstring *fragmentstring = [localcard.fragment stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@" " withstring:@"+"];     nsstring *url = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"", appdelegate.currentlanguage, localcard.term, fragmentstring, @(range.location)];     nsmutableurlrequest *request = [lqapi requestforurl:url body:nil httpmethod:@"get"];     nsdata *response = [lqapi executeurlrequest:request];      nsdictionary *responsedictionary = [lqapi dictionaryfromjsondata:response];     if (responsedictionary == nil){         return;     }      nsarray *phrases = [responsedictionary objectforkey:@"phrases"];     nsmutablearray *cards = [nsmutablearray array];     int index = 0;     (nsdictionary *d in phrases){         card *c = [self cardfromdictionary:d content_id:localcard.content_id index:index type:bluecard];         c.parentid = localcard.mid; // marks phrase         [cards addobject:c];         index++;     }     [localcard.managedobjectcontext mr_savetopersistentstoreandwait]; // shouldn't necessary using savewithblock: , didn't when tried it.     nspredicate *predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"parentid = %@", localcard.mid];     nsarray *phrases2 = [card mr_findallwithpredicate:predicate]; // objects appear fine here     [nsobject executeblockonmainthread:^{ // have been in completion block below         nspredicate *predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"parentid = %@", card.mid];         nsarray *phrases = [card mr_findallwithpredicate:predicate]; // find phrases         [delegate didfetchphrases:phrases forcard:card];     }]; }]; /*   completion:^(bool success, nserror *error) {  nspredicate *predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"parentid = %@", card.mid];  nsarray *phrases = [card mr_findallwithpredicate:predicate]; // doesn't find phrases  [delegate didfetchphrases:phrases forcard:card];  }];*/ 

in end, fault (of course!). method cardfromdictionary: using mr_contextforcurrentthread. passing localcontext solved problem.


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