Routing Errors on attempts to delete all records in a table using Rails 4 through a link_to -

i using rails 4, , trying delete assessments using link_to helper. pertinent code below:


   resources :assessments      collection        delete :remove_all      end    end 

assessment index.html.erb

 <p>to delete assessments in 1 swoop, click <%= link_to 'remove assessments', remove_all_assessments_path, method: :destroy, data: { confirm: 'are sure?' } %> 


  def remove_all     @assessments = assessment.all     @assessments.each |assessment|         assessment.destroy(      end     flash[:notice] = "all assessments have been deleted."     redirect_to assessments_url   end 

i run rake routes ,

prefix                 verb   uri pattern                       controller#action remove_all_assessments delete /assessments/remove_all(.:format) assessments#remove_all 

the html source generated link:

<p>to delete assessments in 1 swoop, click <a data-confirm="are sure?" data-method="destroy" href="/assessments/remove_all" rel="nofollow">remove assessments</a> 

when click on 'remove assessments' link, expect have remove_all action run in assessmentscontroller, , delete assessments in @assessments, redirect me assessments_url. however, when click on 'remove assessments', link, brought url: http://localhost:3000/assessments/remove_all error no route matches [post] "/assessments/remove_all"

what gives?

it should <p>to delete assessments in 1 swoop, click <%= link_to 'remove assessments', remove_all_assessments_path, method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'are sure?' } %>


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