How to make this BATch file have a timer (time left to shutdown or reset)? -

how make batch file have timer? see how time left. windows says "windows shut down in less minute".

@echo off color 0a title restart\/shutdown  :start echo welcome, %username% echo do? echo. echo 1. shut down echo 2. restart echo.  echo 0. quit echo.  set /p choice="enter choice: " if "%choice%"=="1" goto shutdown if "%choice%"=="2" goto restart if "%choice%"=="0" exit echo invalid choice: %choice% echo. pause cls goto start  :shutdown shutdown.exe -s -t 10  :restart shutdown.exe -r -t 10 

you use command "timeout /t 10" or like:

@echo off /l %%# in (10,-1,1) (set/p "=%%# seconds left... "<nul:     ping -n 2 >nul     cls:) 


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