ios - Setting self.view.frame after going back does not work -

i setting uitableviewcontroller's frame in viewdidappear follows:

self.view.frame = cgrectmake(0.0, 0.0, 320.0, 468.0); 

the original frame height 516.0.

this works fine , frame change. however, when go view controller (it in uinavigationcontroller), frame not change (says @ 516.0 though line indeed called when going back.

what causing frame not change second time controller shown , how rectify this?

viewdidappear not called when dismiss modal view. think of modal view view on top on view.

when push or pop view controller on/off navigaction controller's stack, usual viewwillappear / viewdidappear methods aren't called. if want ensure they're called, add uinavigationcontrollerdelegate protocol root view controller:


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