python - looping through dynamic table -

how loop through dynamic database table?

i have situation need loop through table n rows while looping adds rows in same table , should loop until old , newly added rows not iterated end.

for example have created prototype

import sqlite3 lite import sys con = none  try:     con = lite.connect('dynamiciteration.db')      cur = con.cursor()     cur.execute("drop table if exists tbl")     cur.execute("create table tbl (id integer primary key, roll text)")     cur.execute("insert tbl (roll) values ('1')")     con.commit() except lite.error, e:     print "error %s:" % e.args[0]     sys.exit(1)   cur.execute("select roll tbl") rows = cur.fetchall() print len(rows) j = 0  row in rows:     #print 'iteration '+str(j)     j = j + 1     try:         cur.execute("insert tbl (roll) values ('"+str(j)+"')")         con.commit()         if(j < 100):             cur.execute("select roll tbl")             rows = cur.fetchall()             print len(rows)     except lite.error, e:         print "error %s:" % e.args[0]         sys.exit(1) 

where added termination condition if (j < 100). problem rows database object not updated other variables, otherwise work well.

any solution problem?

you re-binding rows list new result set, , for loop doesn't ever see such rebind. it's if did:

somelist = [1, 2, 3] in somelist:     somelist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]     print 

this ever print numbers 1, 2 , 3.

you use while loop:

index = 0 while index < len(rows)     row = rows[index]     index += 1 

now rows dereferenced each time while condition checked, when row set each iteration.

but have careful ordering make sure new rows added end of list result database.


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