Relocating shards in elasticsearch -

step 1) creating node named "node1"

step 2) creating new index in node1 named "application" , in index type "testing"

step 3)index created 5 shards. no replicas

step 4)now insert 5 doc in index. splitted among 5 shards

step 5)now initiate new node called "node2" in node1's cluster.

step 6) per understanding shared shards between nodes. 2 shards moved new node

question 1)now request document @ node1 present in relocated shards(shards moved node1 node2)

question 2) search return requested document or not

question 3) how 2 nodes communicate each other

question 4) can read , write in node2 ? if yes can search same data written node2 node1..

thanks in advance..!

all answers yes :)

the nodes communicate each other through transport port, default 9300 port (or first 1 free in (9300-9400] range. use custom binary protocol communicate, based on serialization of objects (not standard java serialization in of cases though).

any node in cluster cluster-aware , knows shards , on, share called cluster state. can send requests (read , write) node , rerouted interesting nodes , executed depending on type of request.


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