objective c - iOS ibaction code not being triggered due to segue in iOS -

i trying trigger segue , move new view based on result of asynchronous task.

i have setup segue connecting button in initial view , dragging next view. have setup ibaction on initial button triggers asynch task. think these 2 things possibly in conflict.

my ibaction code looks like:

- (ibaction)buttonclicked:(id)sender {     nslog(@"button clicked");       [user signupinbackgroundwithblock:^(bool succeeded, nserror *error) {     nslog(@"in process");          if (!error) {             nslog(@"succcess");          [self performseguewithidentifier:@"myid" sender:@"success"];          }else{             nslog(@"failure");          }     }]; 

only first button click log prints. others not.

my segue methods not have logic.

the segues fire without hitting performsegue method above.

how can control segue transition methods button click?

how can have signup method called , have segue fire?


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