c# - Disable buttons after click until post back of ascx control using javascript -

the page works expected, disables buttons , shows loading indicator onclick event never called. relatively inexperienced javascript , cannot seem find answer why doesn't work.

i expect once disable() method occurs , returns true call onclick method, cause post , automatically re-enable buttons.

perhaps going @ wrong, appreciate help.

<%@ register tagprefix="componentart" namespace="componentart.web.ui" assembly="componentart.web.ui" %> <%@ control language="c#" inherits="mycontrol" codebehind="thiscontrol.ascx.cs"%>  <div class="form" style="width: 100%">    <img id="imgloading" src="images/gridimages/spinner.gif" style="display:none" alt="loading..." />    <ol>     <li>         <asp:button id="firstbutton" cssclass="btn" runat="server" text="first press me"             onclick="first_click" onclientclick="this.value='please wait...'; needtoconfirm=false; return disable(); "/>         <span>             <asp:button id="secondbutton" cssclass="btn" runat="server" text="second press me"                 onclick="second_click" onclientclick="this.value='please wait...'; needtoconfirm=false; return disable(); "/>         </span>      </li>   </ol>    <script type="text/javascript">     function disable() {         document.getelementbyid('<%=firstbutton.clientid %>').disabled = true;         document.getelementbyid('<%=secondbutton.clientid %>').disabled = true;         settimeout('updateimg()', 0);         return true;     }     function updateimg() {         $('#imgloading').show();         var img = document.getelementbyid('imgloading');         img.src = 'images/gridimages/spinner.gif';     }   </script>  </div> 

found answer here.

added "usesubmitbehavior = false", , voila, onclick event called.

apparently asp respects disabling of button , causes event fire fail.


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