javascript - How do I test that this nested function was called in an AngularJS unit test? -

i'm not new unit testing (c#) new unit testing in angularjs. i'm trying test controller , far have been able several tests work properly, there proving rather difficult.

i have $scope method makes call our authentication service returns promise. in "then" function checking see if user indeed authenticated , based on call private function go out , make other service calls.

currently test failing following error:

expected spy getconfigurationstatuses have been called. error: expected spy getconfigurationstatuses have been called. 

if can please point me in right direction appreciate it. i'll post code below -thanks help!

here's specs (the 1 not working "should call specific configurations if user authenticated" spec:

describe('environmentctrl specs', function(){     var $rootscope = null, $scope = null, ctrl = null;         var authentication = {         getcredentials: function(){ return true; }     };      var environment = { getconfigurationstatuses: function(){ return true; } };      beforeeach(module('ngroute'));     beforeeach(module('environment'));      beforeeach(module(function($provide){         $provide.value('site_root', '/');     }));      beforeeach(inject(function(_$rootscope_, _$controller_, _$timeout_, _$location_, _$q_, _authentication_, _environment_){          $rootscope = _$rootscope_;         $controller = _$controller_;         $timeout = _$timeout_;         $location = _$location_;         $q = _$q_;         authentication = _authentication_;         environment = _environment_;          spyon(authentication, 'getcredentials').andcallthrough();         spyon(environment, 'getconfigurationstatuses').andcallthrough();          $rootscope = _$rootscope_;         $scope = $rootscope.$new();          ctrl = $controller('environmentctrl', {$rootscope: $rootscope,$scope: $scope, $timeout: $timeout,             eventor: {}, controller: {}, environment: environment,authentication: authentication, errorservice:{} });      }));      describe('when initializing environmentctrl', function(){          // 1 works fine!         it('should set default values on scope object', function(){             expect($scope.controllername).toequal('environmentctrl');             expect($scope.environmentstatustype).toequal('configurations');             expect($scope.configurationsselected).tobe(true);             expect($scope.isdataloaded).tobe(false);         });          // works fine!         it('should make call authenticate user', function(){             $scope.determineviewtodisplay();             expect(authentication.getcredentials).tohavebeencalled();         });          // 1 doesn't work!         it('should call specific configurations if user authenticated', function(){             $scope.determineviewtodisplay();             $rootscope.isuserauthenticated = true;             expect(environment.getconfigurationstatuses).tohavebeencalled();         });     }); }); 

here's 3 functions involved in unit tests:

$scope.determineviewtodisplay = function () {     authentication.getcredentials().then(function(){         if ($rootscope.isuserauthenticated === true) {             $scope.isanonymous = false;             handleauthenticateduserview();         } else {             eventor.publish('event:login', false);             $scope.isanonymous = true;             handleanonymoususerview();         }     }, function(err){         errorservice.handleerror(err, null, $scope.controllername);     }); };  function handleauthenticateduserview() {     $scope.configurationstatustimer = $timeout(function(){         displayconfigurationstatuses(true);     }, 5); } function displayconfigurationstatuses(isauthenticated) {     environment.getconfigurationstatuses(isauthenticated).then(function(statuses){             setconfigurationsiconstatus(statuses);             $scope.configurationstatuses = statuses;             $scope.isdataloaded = true;   $rootscope.productcustomername + '-configurationstatuses', statuses, {expires: 120000});                         $rootscope.showloadingindicator = false;         }, function(err){             errorservice.handleerror(err, null, $scope.controllername);         }); } 

it looks determineviewtodisplay() calls handleauthenticateduserview if

$rootscope.isuserauthenticated === true  

but you're not setting $rootscope.isuserauthenticated true until after call


so handleauthenticateduserview() never gets called, , in turn displayconfigurationstatuses() never gets called.


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