c# - Add MobileServiceCollection to ObservableCollection -

i want know how insert mobileservicecollection windows azure observablecollection json web service

private observablecollection<addressdetail> _hererestaddressdetail = null; public observablecollection<addressdetail> hererestaddressdetail {     { return _hererestaddressdetail; }     set { this.setproperty(ref this._hererestaddressdetail, value); } }    private async void updatetransportdetail() {     try     {        webclient client = new webclient();        client.downloadstringcompleted += (s, e) =>        {            if (e.error == null)             {                rootobjectdetail result = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<rootobjectdetail>(e.result);                hererestaddressdetail.clear();                hererestaddressdetail.insert(0,result);                 }             else             {                isfailed = visibility.visible;                isfailedmessage = "can't data web server, please refresh , make sure internet data connected";             }         };         client.downloadstringasync(new uri(hreftext + transportdetailurl));         hererestaddressdetail = await addresstable.tocollectionasync();      }      catch (exception)      {          isfailed = visibility.visible;          isfailedmessage = "something wrong happen, please refresh";      } } 

and try add azure data next entry of hererestaddressdetail (since first json web service) this

hererestaddressdetail = await addresstable.tocollectionasync(); 

but replace data json not adding it, how can make appear json data also?

not sure if question still actual, can replace while collection

hererestaddressdetail = new observablecollection<addressdetail>(await addresstable.tocollectionasync()); 

or (i'd recommend way) grab optimizedobservablecollection ( example, here: http://www.pedrolamas.com/2013/05/08/cimbalino-windows-phone-toolkit-updated-to-v2-3-0/ ) , use like

hererestaddressdetail.replacewith(await addresstable.tocollectionasync()); // replace or  hererestaddressdetail.addrange(await addresstable.tocollectionasync()); // add 


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