PHP HTML select box selected from MYSQL -

a simple code inserts list of teams in select box. set selected team id , in href

http://localhost/teams.php?id=7&years=2011&cups=8     <?php     $query = "select distinct t.team_id, teams t,years y,cups c t.team_id=c.team_id , y.year_id=$_get[years] , c.cup_id=$_get[cups] order asc";     $res   = mysql_query($query);     $option = '';      while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))     {         $option .= '<option value = "'.$row['team_id'].'">'.$row['team'].'</option>';     } ?>  <form>     <select id="tteam" name="team">         <?php echo $option; ?>     </select> </form> 

the problem set team_id=$_get[id], shows 1 team. want team=7 selected, others still showing in select box

please aware you're vulnerable sql injections. see: how can prevent sql injection in php?

with said, need use conditional statement compares $row["team_id"] $_get["id"].

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { if($row["team_id"] == $_get["id"])     $option .= '<option value = "'.$row['team_id'].'" selected="selected">'.$row['team'].'</option>'; else     $option .= '<option value = "'.$row['team_id'].'">'.$row['team'].'</option>'; } 


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