sprite kit - Why are image sizes doubled when added to an SKScene -

i've switched cocos2d sprite kit. i've come across annoying problem. image added skscene doubled in size. same thing both in sprite kit , cocos2d. here's cococs2d version:

ccsprite *sprite=[ccsprite spritewithfile:@"w64.png"]; sprite.position=cgpointmake(100.0,100.0); [self addchild:sprite];// self ccscene 

and here's sprite kit version:

skspritenode *sprite=[skspritenode spritenodewithimagenamed:@"w64.png"]; sprite.position=cgpointmake(100.0,100.0); [self addchild:sprite];// self skscene 

in first case image actual size in second case sizes doubled, both width , height. don't scale anywhere. have tried available skscenescalemode options, none of them help

ahh, problem indeed naming of images @dobroucudni tapir said. mentioned before, didn't @ first. tried cleaning project , worked. wonder why have suffix images in sprite kit while don't have in cocos2d. if application retina displays only?


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