c# - remove a defined number of messages from a message queue -

rather using .purge(), there way delete defined number of messages queue?

i've tried setting messageenumerator , using .removecurrrent after i've done whatever need current message not seem work.


public message[] get10(messagequeue q)     {          int counter = 0;         int mcount = 0;         list<message> ml = new list<message>();         try         {             messageenumerator me = q.getmessageenumerator2();             while (me.movenext())             {                 counter++;             }             if (counter > 10)             {                 mcount = 10;             }             else             {                 mcount = counter;             }             counter = 0;             me.reset();                         {                 me.movenext();                 counter++;                 ml.add(me.current);                 me.removecurrent();             } while (counter < mcount);          }          catch (exception x)         {             console.writeline(x.message);         }         message[] m = ml.toarray();         return m;     } 

when call removecurrent(), enumerator moved next message. not have call movenext() after calling removecurrent().

another approach may try following:

    list<message> ml = new list<message>();     int count = 0;      while(  count < 10 ) {         ml.add(me.removecurrent());         ++count;     } 

in case, must aware removecurrent wait forever if there no messages left in queue. if not want, may want use removecurrent(timespan timeout) overload , catch messagequeueexception thrown in case of timeout. messagequeueexception class has messagequeueerrorcode property set messagequeueerrorcode.iotimeout if timeout has expired.

or (this at most 10 messages: loop exit if message count in queue drops zero):

    list<message> ml = new list<message>();     int count = 0;      while( me.movenext() && count < 10 ) {         ml.add(queue.receivebyid(me.current.id));         ++count;     } 


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